Vicente Guerrero, Baja California

November 11, 2021, we headed south from Baja Season’s Resort on the Mex 1 to a little town called Vicente Guerrero. We hadn’t made a reservation for this stop, so we were a bit concerned about availability. Once we got into town, we called the site manager at Posada Don Diego for directions. Like a lot of smaller towns here in Baja, there are no street signs with the name of the street on them. The directions we were given by phone were; at the start of the hill, there is a power/gas company’s office and an orange bollard. Turn right at the bollard and head down the gravel road. Well, we don’t know the Spanish word for power or gas company but did see the orange bollard. After traveling down a couple of long dirt roads, we had arrived. To our surprise, we were the only RV there.

Posada Don Diego has a huge parking area and must have been very nice in its glories days. We planed on making this just a stopover so we dry camped for 2 nights.

There is a nice restaurant on-site. It must be a popular place, it was very busy in the evenings. We ate there a couple of times. The food was good and they had great service.

RV Office and restaurant
Inside Restaurant
Empty RV park
Our RV and Jeep
Anther inside shot of restaurant

Time to hit the road. Next stop Catavina

Published by Faith